
发布时间:2019-05-13 19:00:22 分类: 足球



BAREFOOTPigs(未知主队球迷):要是还有第二回合就好了,要知道领先3球可是最致命的啊!(If only there was a second leg. The 3 lead would be lethal.)

new1sh_old1sh(切尔西球迷):为了不要3-0的领先,曼城已经让布莱顿先进一球了…(City had to let them score first to prevent a 3-0 lead clearly.)

MyTeaJustWentCold(阿森纳球迷):曼城赢下布莱顿就庆祝得像赢了联赛冠军一样?呵呵,果然是没底蕴!(City celebrate beating Brighton like they’ve won the league? Smh my head small club mentality.)

Strichars(曼联球迷):钱并不能买来底蕴,却可以给你的球队买个世界杯冠军中场。(Money cannot make you become big club but can buy you a world cup winner midfield.)

Sidaeinjae(曼联球迷):总比在补时第4分钟绝杀夺冠好多了…(Better now than a 90+4.)

Wild0East(未知主队球迷):在自己球队输给卡迪夫城两个球的同时,曼联球迷还要给同城对手的比赛加油,真是有点心酸…(Seeing United fans cheering for their city rivals while losing 2 to Cardiff is so pathetic.)

Borgatronification(阿森纳球迷):布莱顿真是继席恩-葛雷乔伊之后最差的防线了!(Brighton are the worst last line of defence since Theon.)

james-1990(利物浦球迷):“布莱顿,你是个好人,谢谢你!”(“Brighton. You’re a good team. Thank you.”)


Echiptian_King(利物浦球迷):想要夺得英超冠军,恐怕我们要拿下全部114分并且一球不失了!(We might just have to finish on 114 points and concede 0 goals to win this league.)

OnOff58(利物浦球迷):然后又因为净胜球比曼城少而获得亚军...(Then we are still the second because city have a better goal differnce.)


Yiurule(法国球迷):真希望利物浦拿下联赛冠军啊,他们的成绩真心配得上!(Hope that Liverpool would win the title, they deserve it after all of this.)

Kanadagoose_(未知主队球迷):那积分更高的曼城岂不是更配得上…(Well city deserves more with more points.)

redbull123(苏格兰球迷):第一支只输了2场联赛却未能夺冠的球队是2008-09赛季的利物浦,而第一支只输了1场联赛却没有夺冠的球队是2018-19年的利物浦。(First team to lose twice and not win the league: Liverpool 08-09. First team to lose once and not win the league: Liverpool 18-19)

mlb_fan_27(未知主队球迷):2028-29年的利物浦将成为第一支赛季不败却没能夺冠的球队…(Liverpool 2028-29: First team to go invincible and not win the league.)

johnmerro1(埃弗顿球迷):上次利物浦在联赛丢分还是在我们古迪逊公园球场,所以说是埃弗顿亲手摧毁了利物浦的联赛冠军梦!(The last Liverpool dropped points before today was at Goodison Park. So it's indeed Everton who have directly cost them the title.)

cynicalreason(利物浦球迷):今天不是什么好日子…但曼联依然能给你带来一点小快乐。(It's not been the greatest day .. but small things like Utd can still bring you a bit of joy.)


johny1195(曼联球迷):现在所有人都去看冠军之战了,估计没人在乎我们曼联干啥了,那干脆我们就输给降级队吧!(Everyone is focused on the title race, so nobody will care how shit we are, might as well lose against relegated team.)

skinsaremylife(曼联球迷):竟然在老特拉福德输给了降级球队,而更郁闷的是,他们上次还是索尔斯克亚给带降级的...(loosing to relagated team at old trafford. What makes it even worse is ole got them relegated.)

snusd0san(未知主队球迷):自从索尔斯克亚转正以后,曼联就像泰坦尼克号一样沉底了,难道这些球员踢球就是为了给教练一个正式编制吗?(Since Solskjaer got the job they've sunk like the Titanic, seems like the lads were just playing to get him the job.)

d0mth0ma5(曼联球迷):我们距离联赛榜首32分,距离降级区也是32分…(32 points off the top, 32 points above the relegation.)

OrangeSyringe(未知主队球迷):耻辱啊,卡迪夫城竟然能落后曼联这么多分?(Shameful by Cardiff to be so far behind United.)

netone001(英格兰球迷):每一周过去,大巴黎能被曼联逆转就显得更不可思议。(As every game week passes, it becomes more baffling how PSG lost to this shit.)

AngryPenguin501(英格兰球迷):我们都去看利物浦和曼城了,竟然忘了来笑话一下曼联!(We were all busy watching Pool and City and forgot to laugh at United.)


blindpillow69(未知主队球迷):这真是继昨天以来最具震撼的大逆转了!(Biggest football comback since 24 hrs.)

MagyarFoci29(未知主队球迷):英超球队简直比囧-雪诺还要有主角光环!(The premier league has more plot armour than Jon Snow.)

decimatech(利物浦球迷):巴萨和它的青年队可以啊,在领先3球后的表现都差不多嘛!(Concerning for Barca that their youth squad is showing a similar issue with 3-0 leads.)

JustAPotatoo(多特蒙德球迷):果然是巴萨DNA!(BARCA DNA!)

Slapthatvex(未知主队球迷):这赛季的欧冠比“权力的游戏”精彩多了!(CL better than GOT this season…)

get_choong(萨索洛球迷):2019年的欧冠联赛一定是乔治-马丁写的!(2019 UEFA Champions League: A Tale by George R.R. Martin.)

Rutger88(根克球迷):再也不喜欢足球了,这剧本就像WWE一样!(I don't believe football anymore, it's scripted like WWE.)

YaqootK(阿森纳球迷):其实我一直都挺喜欢NBA的…(I always liked NBA tbh.)

Kriskobg(皇马球迷):阿贾克斯踢得简直比巴萨还要巴萨!(This Ajax team plays more like Barcelona than Barcelona.)

McCartney(切尔西球迷):在巴萨成为巴萨之前,阿贾克斯就已经是巴萨了。(Ajax were Barcelona before Barcelona were Barcelona tbh)

dh12mj23(热刺球迷):评论区里已经没有热刺球迷了,因为我们都已经犯心脏病死掉了…(No Tottenham fans in top comments cause we all died of heart attacks.)

Confitur(巴黎球迷):欧足联准备取消欧冠比赛,因为全欧洲得心脏病的人实在太多了!(UEFA to cancel the Champions League because of a sharp increase in heart attacks all over Europe.)

Xaynr(阿森纳球迷):如果热刺夺得欧冠冠军,我就要请愿让阿森纳俱乐部原地解散!(If Tottenham win the CL, I’m starting a petition to delete Arsenal as a club.)

Zwandz(阿森纳球迷):同意!想象一下那种酸爽的感觉——当我们拼欧联杯冠军的时候,人家热刺拿下欧冠冠军了…(Agreed. Imagine the strange feeling in your soul when we win EL, and they win CL.)


discr33t_enough(曼联球迷):又是欧冠,又是欧联,还有英超冠军之战啥的,英超前五过得都太紧张了!还是我们索帅对球迷好,让我们不再因为血压升高而烦恼。(All this tension for CL, EL and PL finals for the top 5 teams. Good guy Ole giving our team and fans a break from increased blood pressure.)

Reddiiiiiiit(未知主队球迷):4支英超球队会师欧战决赛,曼城也在为国内三冠王而努力,而曼联却拥有一名不错的钢琴演奏家!(4 English clubs in European finals, City on for the domestic treble and Utd have a good piano player.)

Suboptimal_(切尔西球迷):两支伦敦球队争夺冠军,但是要去阿塞拜疆踢决赛,这就是欧联杯最典型的事…(Classic Europa League. Two clubs from London travel to play each other in Azerbaijan.)

Scipio229(未知主队球迷):2019年是英国无论如何也无法脱欧的一年。(2019 the year you just couldn't get England out of Europe.)

GameplayerStu(维拉球迷):英国想要脱欧,但在离开之前要把欧洲所有的冠军都带走…(UK want out of Europe but they're taking all the trophies before they leave.)


BarneyrealG(巴萨球迷):梅西根本就不庆祝进球,看到他这样真的让我很难过。(barely celebrating goals at all, it hurts to see messi like this.)

Jellyjiggler(未知主队球迷):等巴萨失去了梅西,恐怕比皇马失去C罗的影响严重多了…(Post Messi barcelona might be a bigger mess than post Ronaldo Madrid.)


Simpilicious(瑞典球迷):明明感觉每周都能看见皇马像曼联一样输球的新闻,为啥他们最终还是能排在联赛第三?(How the fuck is Real Madrid still in third? Feels like I log onto a Post-Match Thread of a new loss every single weekend. just like United tbh.)

Pipekran(皇马球迷):我们这场比赛表现最好的球员就算迪亚兹、维尼修斯和门柱君了…(Our performing players in this match: Brahim, Vinicius, and The Goalposts.)


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