
发布时间:2019-04-22 19:00:52 分类: 足球



Taekucink(未知主队球迷):曼联应该解雇索尔斯克亚,然后再立刻重新任命他为临时主帅!(United should sack Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and reappoint Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as interim manager.)

BritMachine(利物浦球迷):这才是曼联最需要的——永恒的新教练蜜月期!(Thats all they needs - put him in a permanent honeymoon period.)

bouds19(利物浦球迷):这就是我们要指望去战胜曼城的球队吗?莪。(This is the team we're relying on to take points off City? Fuck me.)

BadCowz(曼联球迷):这其实是计划的一部分!好让我们看起来不是故意去输给曼城的…(This is all part of not making it look like we are throwing the game on purpose.)

gb_lmu(埃弗顿球迷):我看炮hub时都不会举这么长…(Even pornhub can’t make erect for so long.)

toby_o_notoby(埃弗顿球迷):我好了。(I’ve cumed.)

Ger971(曼联球迷):我们今天输了球,然后再战胜曼城,亲手把英超冠军交给利物浦,最后再去踢欧联杯…握日尼玛...(We’re gonna lose here, beat city, hand Liverpool the title and go to the Europa league. Fuck this.)

alee1994(曼联球迷):人生总是如此痛苦吗,还是只有你是曼联球迷时才这样?(Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a united fan?)

MarioPogbatelli(曼联球迷):马夏尔这赛季添孩子数量,比进的球都多了吧!(Martial has had more kids this season than he's scored goals.)

Skinsaremylife(曼联球迷):欧联杯加入了群聊,博格巴退出了群聊。(Europa league has entered the chat. Pogba has left the chat.)

Zavehi(曼联球迷):这是在踢欧冠第3回合吗?(Is this the third leg of Champions league?)

heyum20(埃弗顿球迷):我们有3个前巴萨队员,说不定未来还能签下梅西呢!(We have 3 of barca former or current players. Maybe we can get Messi in the future.)

TheLifeofSonny(曼联球迷):如果我们现在有足够多的球员被红牌罚下,那是不是就只被判0-3输球了?(If we get enough players sent off, Everton only win 3 nil right?)

KieranD9503(埃弗顿球迷):到了赛季末再看吧,我们肯定会输给伯恩利然后再虐一通热刺…(Come back at the end of the season to watch us bottle it against Burnley then thrash Tottenham.)

Mrcstrlh(未知主队球迷):这智商得有5000了!直接不去欧冠,这样不就能避免在欧冠碰见梅西啦!(5000 IQ move, avoiding Messi by avoiding CL all together.)

Wintex(曼联球迷):我很好奇球员们到底知不知道在无球的时候也是可以跑动的…(I wonder if the players know that they can move when they don't have the ball.)

DarkSofter(曼联球迷):握日哦,我竟然没去健身房,就为了看这场踢成翔的比赛?(We are fucking shocking im skipping gym to watch this dogshit.)

Miniatom(曼联球迷):还是去健身房吧老铁,看这比赛对身体的伤害比吃麦当劳大多了…(Go to the gym mate. This is worse for your health than McDonalds.)

BrendaPham5190(未知主队球迷):自从索尔斯克亚转正之后,曼联丢的分简直比我任何一门考试都多!(ManU dropped harder than my grade since Ole's appointment.)

Flyingfetusfacepalm(曼联球迷):看来埃弗顿和曼联想要的都是欧联杯…(Both Everton and United wanted that Europa league spot.)

lost_biochemist(阿森纳球迷):那能让切尔西也对这个感兴趣吗?(If only we could now get Chelsea interested in that position too...)

TheBirdOrTheCage(曼联球迷):大家别担心,当年莫耶斯签的教练合同,还有两个月就到期啦!(Don’t worry everyone. Moyes’s contact ends in just over two months.)

StewardOfGondorS(未知主队球迷):会不会这就是曼联一直以来的诅咒…(That's gotta be some kind of curse that's on the club.)

VictorAkwaowo1(皇马球迷):直到第86分钟才第一次射正,曼联真是让人头大!(Manchester United recorded their first shot on goal in the 86th minute I find that mind blowing.)

purple_blaze(英格兰球迷):其实他们过去4场比赛总共就只有5脚射正而已…(They have 5 shots on target in the past 4 games.)


Kselli(不莱梅球迷):波切蒂诺一定是在研究“孙子兵法”!(Poch is studying "The Art of VAR" by Sun Tzu now.)

Muranely2(未知主队球迷):现在应该是“孙兴慜兵法”了!(It’s by Son now.)

Wyanwee(热刺球迷):已经打算给我第一个孩子起名“VAR”了!(naming my first born VAR.)

MajorLoozar(未知主队球迷):结果通过VAR回放发现,你其实是喜当爹…(In hindsight he will conclude you're not the real father.)

stealth540(未知主队球迷):这比赛比《权力的游戏》更有戏剧性!(This game had more drama than Game of Thrones.)

JaimeL_ 20(曼联球迷):看来最终季得靠布兰通过VAR视野来阻止夜王了!(Bran with the VAR call in the season finale to deny the Night King.)

SineddFC(未知主队球迷):为了看这场比赛,我都顾不上和我表亲做爱爱的事了!(I stopped fucking my cousin to watch this game.)

DIR3_W0LF(未知主队球迷):雪诺,是你吗?(Jon Snow, is that you?)

SuperJazba(曼联球迷):不是,他说的是表亲,不是姑姑哦!(Nah he said cousin not aunt.)

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