HarbyFullyLoaded_12(利物浦球迷):埃弗顿终于赢得了点什么,我很欣慰。(Nice to see Everton finally win something.)
LLAbcd(巴西球迷):这场比赛对我们是双赢!获胜了就可以夺冠,输了就可以致信南美足联把贿款还给我们呀!(Its a Win-win for us , we can either win this thing or we can write a letter to CONMEBOL asking for a refund.)
Insertdankmeme(未知主队球迷):梅西的那番话应该给秘鲁帮忙了,看起来裁判很想证明自己绝不是偏袒巴西…(I think Messi's comments could have helped Peru tonight. Seems like the ref is making it very clear he isn't biased towards Brazil.)
PersianDj(皇马球迷):马特奥今天一定是巴西球迷!(Mateo will cheer for Brazil now.)
NoseSeeker(委内瑞拉球迷):友情提示下,巴西和秘鲁都没能在小组赛击败我们,那美洲杯冠军是不是也得分给我们委内瑞拉一份呢?(Friendly reminder that neither of these teams could beat us in the group stage. So I think it's only fair that the winner has to share the Copa with us.)
Kuntheman(曼城球迷):作为阿根廷的曼城球迷,这场比赛看得我真是纠结…(The conflicted feelings of being an Argentine Man City fan.)
rafitoxD(帕尔梅拉斯球迷):非常感谢所有帮助我们控制南美足协的人,没有你们我们真的夺不了冠呢!(I ANNA THANK EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE RIGGING. WE COULDN'T WIN WITHOUT YOU.)
limito1(克鲁塞罗球迷):这就是我交税的理由!这样我的祖国就可以贿赂FIFA和南美足联官员了!(That's the reason I pay taxes, so my country can buy FIFA and CONMEBOL officials.)
SmokingSnake445(未知主队球迷):蠢萌又性感的阿利松,这长城般的防守连中国都只能羡慕呢!(Stupid sexy Alisson, the Great Wall China can only ever dream of.)
10PointsForStAndrews(苏格兰球迷):阿利松今年得了3次金手套奖了,可是却只有两只手,另一只手套应该套在哪里呢?(Three gloves but only two hands. Hash Tag First Place Problems.)
Kaniyan_Poongunran(利物浦球迷):27年没有夺冠的阿根廷国家队,是所有世界杯冠军得主里冠军荒最长的了!英格兰除外。(Argentina's wait for a major title continues(27 years since the 1993 Copa America).Only England have a longer active drought amongst World Cup winners.)
rodinj(荷兰球迷):那他们至少也赢得过世界杯冠军啊…(At least they won a world cup once :(
Masterkid1230(沙尔克04球迷):现在可以说阿根廷就是南美英格兰队了?(Is Argentina the U.K. of South America? Probably.)
bored-skull(未知主队球迷):与此同时,马特奥在家大喊道:“我是南美足协的裁判!”(Meanwhile Mateo Messi at home - "I'm CONMOBEL referee.")
Harkoncito(智利球迷):这场比赛绝对是我看过的时间最长的闹剧。(This is the longest meme I've watched.)
Untheman(阿根廷球迷):有球员参加这场比赛的俱乐部,看球的时候估计都得吓尿裤子了…(All the club teams with players in this game were watching this game pissing their pants.)
ProfesserFinesser7(墨西哥球迷):我祝愿裁判以后的手机充电器永远都短一截,躺在床上充电就翻不了身!(I hope the refs phone charger is always short enough he can’t roll over to the other side of the bed.)
Mozambikini(未知主队球迷):我祝愿裁判花一整天都在念念不忘家里的最后一块蛋糕,结果回去一看已经被人给吃掉了!(I hope the ref spends all day thinking about the last slice of cake but when he gets home someone has already eaten it.)
natedeezy_3(未知主队球迷):看来梅西学会了利物浦的快发角球,今天就学以致用了呢!(Messi learned from that quick strike Liverpool did on his boys.)
Shuryl(博卡球迷):说实话,想要看懂斯卡洛尼的换人,你得拥有极其高的智商才行。(To be fair you actually have to have a very high IQ to understand Scaloni's substitutions.)
arbitro_de_vidro(巴西球迷):阿利松这是能看穿未来10秒内能发生的事吧!(Alisson saw 10 seconds into the future.)
XxCarrascoxX(秘鲁球迷):阿利松扑住梅西的射门,好像在说:“对不起,这里不是诺坎普,下次再接再厉哦!”(Alison catching that like telling Messi "Sorry, this isn't Camp Nou, try again.)
MatiasM8(阿根廷球迷):如果每次奥塔门迪XJBT的时候我就喝上一杯,那今晚我就得酒精中毒死亡不可…(Take a shot every time Otamendi fucks something up. I'll be dead from alcohol poisoning by the end of the night.)
affenhirn1(巴萨球迷):我相信奥塔门迪就是一个机器人,编程设定为百分百的传球失误率!(I'm convinced Otamendi is a robot programmed to lose 100% passing accuracy.)
KroenkesAdvocate(阿森纳球迷):和奥塔门迪相比,穆斯塔菲也算是个体面人。(Otamendi make Mustafi look composed.)
GeorgeLockhartFanAMA(利物浦球迷):瓜迪奥拉带着奥塔门迪都能夺冠,看来他确实是第一教练了…(The fact that Guardiola won anything with Otamendi is proof that he's the best ever.)
Swbp0undcake(多特球迷):梅西怎么还一度踢上右后卫位置了…(Messi was playing right back for a bit there.)
Zvronsnifsky(未知主队球迷):阿根廷虽然有教皇,奈何巴西有耶稣!(Argentina have the Pope but Brazil have Jesus.)
Rusiano(瓦伦西亚球迷):即使是到了10亿岁,阿尔维斯依然是巴西最好的后卫!(Even when he is like a billion years old, Dani Alves still feels like the best fullback Brazil could have.)
melihs11(热刺球迷):让58岁的马拉多纳上场,估计都比今天的迪马利亚强得多!(A 58 year old Maradona would be more effective than Di Maria at this point.)
Joferifafar(智利球迷):我们是故意输的,下地狱也要和阿根廷在一起!(We lost on purpose. We wanted to hunt Argentina in hell.)
MaxPayne4life(未知主队球迷):真正的决赛其实是争第三名…(The real final is the 3rd place match.)
Palifaith(未知主队球迷):作为丢冠的惩罚,就让美国男足代替美国女足去白宫吧!(The US men's team now has to go to the White House instead of the Women's team as punishment.)
Off_Topic_Oswald(美国球迷):要被迫吃一天冰凉的麦当劳,还得和川普一起尴尬合影,这惩罚看来很到位啊!(Being forced to spend a day eating cold McDonalds and stand for awkward photo ops with Trump sounds like an appropriate punishment.)
PiGuys(未知主队球迷):为了避免3-0的领先,美国女足已经很努力了…(US did everything they could to avoid a dangerous 3-0 lead.)
waldron76(布里斯托流浪者球迷):荷兰女足的崛起,让我们有了双倍的机会去见证荷兰队获得世界杯亚军…(the rise of womens football has presented us with the exciting possibility of seeing the dutch lose world cup finals twice as often as we previously thought possible.)