最新消息| 再过几个小时,我们就会在主场迎战淄博蹴鞠。这场山东德比可能成为我们新签约前锋邓雨浓的首场比赛,其与俱乐部今天上午签约并顺利完成注册,已经有资格参加比赛。这位24岁的球员之前效力于青岛黄海,所以他对青岛的职业足球并不陌生。我们期待着他的首次亮相,我们祝愿他在下半赛季一切顺利。
The latest news 丨 In just a few hours we will play our home game against Zibo Cuju. This Shandong derby might be the first match of our new forward Deng Yunong 邓雨浓, who signed with us this morning (and is already eligible to play). The 24-year-old Deng Yunong previously played for Qingdao Huanghai, so he is no stranger to professional football in Qingdao. We are looking forward to his debute and we wish him all the best in the second half of our season.