
发布时间:2019-05-27 19:00:35 分类: 足球



NightsWatchh(阿森纳球迷):巴萨这赛季的剧情,就像是权游那俩编剧写的一样…(Barca playing like their season was written by D&D.)

Alandegeneres(巴萨球迷):裁判你能不能在我尿裤子前就把终场哨给吹了?(Hurry up and blow the final whistle before I piss myself.)

Wombat1886(苏黎世球迷):巴萨踢得就像世界杯上的西班牙队一样!(Spain at the world cup.)

xDob(巴萨球迷):你确定巴尔韦德不是洛佩特吉的兄弟吗?(Are we sure Valverde isn't lopetegui's brother?)

LosTerminators(巴萨球迷):失望,但不感到意外。(Disappointed but not surprised.)

Tsubasa_sama(利物浦球迷):等梅西退役后,巴萨究竟要怎么办…(What on earth are Barca gonna do when Messi retires?)


ninjapenguin12(未知主队球迷):我还真希望莱比锡能把比赛扳平再拖到加时,这样我就能多看30分钟罗贝里了…(Selfishly hoping Red Bull equalize (then Lose in extra time) so i can enjoy an extra 30 mins for them.)

IamMrEric(皇马球迷):要是当年罗本和斯内德都留在皇马该多好,这阵容简直逆天啊!(If only Robben and Sneijder stayed. That would have been one hell of a squad.)

Username28(未知主队球迷):一队不容二秃。(Too many bald for one squad.)


zero237(巴萨球迷):意甲的争四大战,可比英超争四精彩多了!(Italian top 4 battle > English top 4 battle.)

iftair(贝蒂斯球迷):意甲争四是为了踢欧冠,而英超争四就像是都想去踢欧联杯一样…(One battle was teams WANTING CL spots while the other the teams fighting for Europa spots smh.)

rail_bird(利物浦球迷):如果你朋友里有国米球迷,赶紧打个电话看看他们是不是还活着…(If you got an Inter fan in your life, give em a call and make sure they are alive.)

Treyqa(未知主队球迷):这10年里踢欧联杯的“豪门”有点多啊…(It's fucking crazy how so many "big" teams are in Europa League these past 10 years.)


Rinacio(拜仁球迷):为啥我们的元老队总是发生惨案…(Why do our legends always get dicked on in these games.)

Matinthebox(拜仁球迷):别怕,今年夏天咱们的元老队就会迎来里贝里、罗本和拉菲尼亚三位强援啦!(hey at least they are set to be joined by Ribéry, Robben and Rafinha in the summer.)

drripdrrop(未知主队球迷):这赛季老特拉福德球场最好的传中,竟然来自44岁的贝克汉姆…(best cross at OT this season is 44 years old Beckham.)

lmhan98(曼联球迷):小贝的终结能力比现在我们大多数球员要好多了…(Honestly sharper finishing than most of our players.)

Raintrooper7(曼联球迷):这支元老队都有可能击败我们的一线队!(This team would probably beat the United first team.)

AdventurousChapter(阿森纳球迷):小贝和索尔斯克亚的年龄差不多,可索帅看起来就像是小贝他爹一样…(Insane that Ole looks like Beckham's dad yet they're the pretty much the same age lmao.)


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