ManyNames_(那不勒斯球迷):耻辱啊,我知道你们这赛季遇到了不少困难,但是面对这种英超笑柄一样的球队难道也赢不了吗?真为你感到丢脸,哈镇!(What a disgrace. I know they have had a horrible year, but dropping 2 points to the laughingstock of English football? Shame on you, Huddersfield.)
Ohyeahcorey(以色列球迷):就你皮!(You ABSOLUTE rascal.)
Puddinsnack(未知主队球迷):阿什利-扬踢中卫的唯一好处,就是他再也不能去边路直接传中给对方了…(The only advantage of Young at CB is that he gets less opportunity to shank a cross to the opposing team.)
PhuQDuP(利物浦球迷):牛逼啊,曼联看来要赢下“打死也不进前四”系列赛的冠军了!(United look to be winning the race to not finish top 4. Well fought.)
SuperSanti92(阿森纳球迷):嗨曼联,给我们留把热椅子,马上我们也要去陪你们啦!(Hey Utd, keep a seat warm for us please, we'll be joining you shortly.)
PedroBV(利物浦球迷):哈哈,我还曾指望这支球队为我们阻击曼城…我是有多傻啊…(Hahaha.. I was hoping these lot were going to get points from City.. Silly me!)
Dashandtuch(沙尔克04球迷):哈哈,想象一下上赛季还排名联赛第二,这赛季就踢成这个吊样?诶,不对…(Lol, imagine making second place last season and fucking up this bad now! wait…)
Skinsaremylife(曼联球迷):从没喜欢过欧冠,欧联杯才是真正大孩子玩的游戏呢!(Never likes ucl, europa league is where real big boys play.)
Theenigmacode(利物浦球迷):能让哈镇踢得就像2009年巴萨的,也只有这支曼联了…(Only this United can make this Huddersfield team look like 2009 Barcelona.)
Eternal0000(利物浦球迷):看起来曼联已经在为下赛季留力啦!(Almost like United are conserving their energy for next season.)
Fistymcbuttpuncher(热刺球迷):争四之战看起来就像是4个喝醉酒的大汉挤在一起要进门一样…(The top 4 battle is like 4 drunk people trying get through a door at the same time.)
Sayaian(切尔西球迷):还好我们有老毛子护体,第一个酒醒了!(Our Russians heritage make us sober first.)
Eyebrow78(利物浦球迷):那曼联是在门前花园篱笆墙那儿就直接醉倒在地上了?(Man United fell asleep in the front garden hedge.)
CaptainGo(纽卡斯尔球迷):对于这无比烂尾的争四大战结局,我一点都不感到惊讶。(I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this top four race ended in the most underwhelming way it could.)
Tyrinder(利物浦球迷):简直就像夜王的结局一样让人失望…(As disappointing as the end of the night king.)
Mancho_United(曼联球迷):想象一下,一支争四球队竟连无欲无求的降级球队都踢不赢?这也太失败了吧!(Imagine drawing vs bottom 4 team that has nothing to play for, while you are battling for top4.. pff what a losers.)
Jackalope117(热刺球迷):我们踢得已经够狗血了,只能指望降级区球队来帮我们阻击争四对手…现在我只想说,哈镇和布莱顿真香…(We’re so shit that we rely on relegated and relegation candidate teams to secure us top 4. But I’ll take it anyways, thanks Huddersfield and Brighton!)
bufc09(阿森纳球迷):本来我还猜这场比赛是阿森纳第90分钟绝杀,然后最后一轮再输给伯恩利呢!(My guess is we score a 90th minute winner only to lose to Burnley on the final day)
Wasssan(阿森纳球迷):如果姆希塔良和穆斯塔菲能离队,那我就把这当成是一种引援了…(I will be treating Mkhi and Mustafi leaving like a new signing.)
NaClOverload(热刺球迷):哟,切尔西,你这不按剧本演啊!(Yo Chelsea this wasn't in the script.)
jMS_44(切尔西球迷):如果没人想要前四的话,我们就把它拿走了…(If nobody wants top 4 I guess we'll take it then...)
ShanghaiLunatic(未知主队球迷):我希望若日尼奥以后能每场比赛都缠着绷带…(I hope Jorginho wear the bandage every game from now on.)
Mourning-Woood(切尔西球迷):伊瓜因就是反向莫拉塔!除了临门一脚还行,其他全都是一坨翔…(Higuain's like the reverse Morata, his finishing is good but everything else is shit.)
Relefencion(未知主队球迷):我们不要再争论奥里吉和梅西谁是世界最佳了,不如现在好好珍惜他们都还在踢球的日子!(We should stop arguing about whether Messi or Origi is better and just enjoy them both while we have the chance.)
Watashiwameron(未知主队球迷):范戴克这视野,是长了一双千里眼吗?(van Dijk is so good he became clairvoyant.)
abrakadaver07(尤文球迷):和范戴克的视野相比,布兰就是个弟弟。(He's on that good Bran shit.)
GJXN1990(曼城球迷):快去查一查范戴克是不是在盐和烟中涅槃而生?(Someone needs to check if Van Dijk was born amidst salt and smoke.)
CFCkyle(英格兰球迷):在盐和烟中出生?他是个火腿吗?(Born amidst salt and smoke? Is he a ham?)
Scrabel(未知主队球迷):想象一下,万一莱斯特城真的在曼城身上拿了分,而利物浦却在最后一轮输给了狼队…(Imagine if Leicester takes a point only for Liverpool to fumble it against Wolves.)
Mephisto_irl(切尔西球迷):伯恩茅斯踢得太差了,就像他们也在争四似的。(Bournmouth playing so bad it feels like they are challenging for top 4.)
LostPrinceofWakanda(切尔西球迷):快!赶紧找人告诉伯恩茅斯,他们只需要想象自己的对手是11人的切尔西就行了!(Quick! Someone tell this Bournemouth team they're actually playing an 11 man Chelsea.)
drizzt001(爱尔兰球迷):要是有谁赛前下注赌孙兴慜红牌,现在赢的钱应该能买个房子了!(Anyone who put money on a Son red card before this match can probably afford a new house now.)
SojournerInThisVale(德比郡球迷):热刺这是在下一步大棋,这样就能为周中的欧冠次回合轮休球员了!(Spurs playing 4D chess by resting players for the CL semi final.)
Tpsteen(未知主队球迷):博阿滕的一脚触球,简直比卢卡库还要坑爹…(boateng's first touch is worse than Lukaku's.)
7Thommo7(未知主队球迷):今天又要上演“登贝莱和维尔马伦谁先受伤”的戏码了…(On this edition of 'Who gets injured first: Vermaelen or Dembele...')
Kkokokoh(未知主队球迷):皇马现在就是西甲里的曼联了吧…(You guy are the Manchester United of La Liga these days.)
Dntowns(皇马球迷):这赛季能不能现在就结束啊?(Can this season end already.)